​It's Never Too  Late to Learn

 ​Grading Policies:

Grading is based on the given marking scheme related to each subject in full course: 

Some aids may be allowed during testing and will be identified by the instructor. Students must attain a combined grade of at least 60% on term work and the final exam to pass the course.

Please Note; Assignments, tests and the final examination are evaluated on subject knowledge as well as correct language usage, organization, and mastery of the subject. In recognition of the significance of proper language skills in the work of a Paralegal, marks are deducted, in accordance with departmental policy, for language errors on all tests, assignments and exams. (i.e. spelling, grammar, word usage, sentence, and paragraph structure, etc.)

Assignments; The student must retain a copy of all assignments. If assignments are handed in late without sufficient medical or other reason, which must be documented and approved, two marks per day will be deducted for each day the assignment is late up to a maximum of 10 marks in total. Assignments will not be accepted after the return of graded assignments to the class and/or the provision to the class of the answers to the assignment. 

Academic Honesty; Students at CCEC COLLEGE are expected to be honest and forthright in their academic endeavors. When students cheat on an examination, steal the words or ideas of another, or falsify their research results, it corrupts the learning process. A CCEC COLLEGE degree, diploma or certificate signifies to society mastery of a set of defined learning outcomes in a designated field of study.

Penalties for Academic Dishonesty;The penalty for a first offence is a grade of '0' on the assignment or examination. The penalty for the second offence is expulsion for a time period determined by the

Grading System-Standard 

Successful completion of the curriculum plus 1 field placement and 1 court house assignment /practicum

Grading standard

A+ 90% to 100%
A 80% to 89%
B+ 75% to 79%
B 70% to 74%
C+ 65% to 69%
C 60% to 64%
D+ 55% to 59%
D 50% to 54%
F 0% to 49% (Not a Pass)


EXC Excellent
SAT Satisfactory
UNSAT Unsatisfactory

For further information, see a copy of the Academic Policy, available online 

Grading System & Policy


Designated Learning Institution DLI # O262228554872

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Canadian Career Education College

Study in Canada For Higher Standard In Career Education p

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