
Designated Learning Institution DLI # O262228554872

​​without ielts study work & settle in canada

Canadian Career Education College

Study in Canada For Higher Standard In Career Education p

patient service ​ study work & settle in canada , Study in Canada Without IELTS ,,   Designated Learning Institution​ ,  No IELTS , Low & No Upfront Tuition Fee, 

CCEC Career Development Support

Regardless which format you are enrolled in, C.C.E.C. provides free comprehensive support and resources to its students in getting into the job search and working with the Career Development Department team to have a high probability of finding career-related employment. As part of the related program, we provide comprehensive assistance to prepare our students for their new career even before they graduate, as well as on an ongoing basis after graduation.

Our support services include the following:


We provide guidelines for resumes and cover letters, networking, and interviewing tips for students. At the end of each program, we hold a career development-related course or class specific to the student's chosen program/field of study.


We can provide free service to publish your resume to employers via third-party agencies in such business; this helps employers in hiring C.C.E. College graduates.


C.C.E.C. has a wealth of career development materials. Additionally, we post our employment leads on our all our social media, employment/HR resources, Job Agency Canada, and other HR management partners.  

We can provide more details and information once you have applied for our programs.  

​It's Never Too  Late to Learn