
Designated Learning Institution DLI # O262228554872

​​without ielts study work & settle in canada

Canadian Career Education College

Study in Canada For Higher Standard In Career Education p

patient service ​ study work & settle in canada , Study in Canada Without IELTS ,,   Designated Learning Institution​ ,  No IELTS , Low & No Upfront Tuition Fee, 

IRCC Attestation Letter​

​It's Never Too  Late to Learn

​​​​​​​​​Attestation Letter (IRCC requirement dated January 22, 2024)

Nov 20, 2024 Available Update:     

Short Study Courses. Provincial Attestation Letter (PAL) Not Required to study short study programs.

According to the information received from the Government authorities, the next date to consider the allocation of PAL quota in Ontario will be by January or March 2025 or 2026. Until then, all private career colleges in Ontario cannot issue PAL

Once we receive further information or instructions from the Ontario Government, we will provide further guidance or the college policy information on the college website page and contact those students.There is no other information available right now.

I'm interested in attending canc-college. Are you still accepting international applications?

Please use this link and explore an educational video on how to apply for study permit without PAL

Note: This information or requirements do not currently relate to the college. According to our understanding, IRCC will require an attestation letter from a province or territory.

Who does not need an attestation letter?

  • If you have received an LOA from the college and applied for the study permit - visa outside Canada on or before January 22, 2024. 

  • If you're a student applying to extend your study permit (within Canada), you do not need an attestation letter when applying for a study permit.

  • Distance learning: A study visa, permit or Attestation letter is not required if the learning method is online distance education. Distance learning can be done through e-learning, correspondence, or Internet courses anywhere in Canada or outside Canada.

  • Short-term courses: Foreign nationals may enter Canada or remain in Canada without a study permit to attend a course or program of study of 6 months duration or less [R188(1)(c)]. This exemption helps to facilitate access to short-term courses, regardless of their subject matter. The course or program of study may be part-time or full-time and should be completed within the period authorized upon entry (that is, up to 6 months).

Applying for this kind of study permit is imperative by following the proper procedure and using the IRCC portal specific to the shot study.

Your application can be denied if it is submitted via the wrong portal or through the wrong procedures. We suggest contacting IRCC or your authorized legal representative for further assistance.  

The college staff does not provide legal advice or support for IRCC matters

IRCC Reference for short study visa applications.

Short study visa or permit applications do not require PAL (Provincial Attestation Letter) because the program duration is 6 months or less. Please read the following statutory reference from the 
Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (SOR/2002-227)

" While a study permit is not required for short-term courses, an officer must accept and process an application for a study permit, even when the duration of the course or program of study is 6 months or
less [R188(2)].

Are in Canada and one of the following situations applies to you:

How to get an attestation letter (If applicable)

According to the IRCC Website, “Each province or territory is developing a process for obtaining an attestation letter. These processes are expected to be in place by March 31, 2024."

  • This means that applicants who have submitted applications for the study permit to the IRCC before January 22, 2024, will be processed according to the previous policy and rules.  
  • “IRCC will return any application received on or after January 22, 2024, without an attestation letter unless you’re exempt.”

What if I have received an LOA from the college that has not expired, but I have yet to apply for a Canadian study visa permit after January 22, 2024?

  • LOA from a DLI is still a statutory requirement to apply for a study visa or permit, and you will still need it to get an attestation letter. 

  • If you have received college LOA after January 22, 204 and applied for visa without PAL, and received a letter from the IRCC indicating application being returned due this policy, and the college cannot issue PAL, you will be eligible to apply for refund.

 Use this link for our detailed policy on LOA.  

We will keep all applicants informed on the website, social media and live seminars as soon as we have updated information from the IRCC.

We do not have any other update or offer services via phone or walk-in on the above matter. 

Until then, we suggest
exploring the IRCC website or contacting the IRCC or your legal professional for more information or an opinion. 

Student Services Administrator
C.C.E.C. Canadian Career Education College