​It's Never Too  Late to Learn

Mature Student Status

Designated Learning Institution DLI # O262228554872


​​without ielts study work & settle in canada

Canadian Career Education College

Study in Canada For Higher Standard In Career Education p

patient service ​ study work & settle in canada , Study in Canada Without IELTS ,,   Designated Learning Institution​ ,  No IELTS , Low & No Upfront Tuition Fee, 

The Following are General Guidelines for Educational Mature Student Status: International Students

Admission requirements are requirements or qualifications that students must meet in order for them to demonstrate the potential to successfully complete a program at C.C.E.C. (e.g., high school diploma, proficiency in English). 

Each C.C.E.C. program/course is different, and has its own subjective criteria based on the nature of the course. Students are encouraged to carefully read course admission criteria-related details before applying. The applicant is advised to read carefully the following details for an applicable requirement(s);

All Canadian or US or International Applicants may apply.

​​​Students with no educational experience/degree from Canada or the United States would require to have met one of the following requirements on or before the start date of the program they are offered admission.:

  1. ​​Educational credential assessment (ECA)
  2. Mature Student Status” or “Mature Student Assessment

Mature Student Status or Mature Student Assessment
Mature student status may be granted to applicants who are over 18 years old and do not have a high school diploma or GED. It is intended to allow applicants who have not completed high school the opportunity to be considered for admission, based on the skills and experience they have acquired since leaving school.

If a prospective student does not have a grade 12 education certificate which is equivalent to a Canadian secondary school certificate due to any reason, the college will still consider the student for admission to its programs if the student passes a qualifying test that has been approved by the Superintendent (The Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Ontario.)

What qualifies you as a mature student?

Generally, a mature student is one who begins their undergraduate degree after the age of 21, and as a postgraduate student, you will almost certainly be over the age of 21.

Can I apply for admission at Can-College as a mature student?
You can study at the college as a mature student even if you do not have traditional qualifications, or if such qualifications cannot be assessed or verified by any other means.

The MSA test is administered by an independent third party “Can-Am Data Management”. You can purchase this test from the third party or have the college register that for you. The test itself is conducted by “Wonderlic” testing system. All related fees, if collected for this test, are separate from the college admission application processing fee or LOA fees. Students may provide the results of this test before the start of the program or if the test is required at the time of admission approval stage.
Alternatively, the students may arrange an ECA report and provide a valid copy for assessment.

Please note that both options are delivered and assessed by independent third parties, and students will be paying associated fees directly to the service providers. The college can also facilitate the MSA test process via its LMS system.

How to Register/Apply for an MSA Report:​

If your admission application has been processed and passes the initial assessment you will receive an offer for admission with further instructions and procedures.

In general, you may require to complete one of the following MTCU pre-approved tests on or before the start date (commencement) of the program.

Alternate Admissions Tests Preapproved by The Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities Ontario and offered/acceptable by the college are:

  1. CAAT: Level 3
  2. Wonderlic tests (SLE), (WBSP) Level 2 and 3

Fee collection disclosure. The MSA test is administered by an independent third party “Can-Am Data Management”. The test itself is conducted by “Wonderlic” testing system. All related fees if collected for this test are separate from the college admission application processing fee or LOA fees. Students may provide the results of this test before the start of the program or if the test is required at the time of admission approval stage.

Refund Policy on MSA fee: Any Applicable MSA Test Fee is not part of the tuition or admission process fee. If you are not able to take this test within specific/allowable time (10-15 business days from the date test instructions are relayed to you via email) for any reason(s) beyond your control, this fee will be refunded back to you via the same method it was paid. CAD $29 refund administration fee will be applied and deducted from the total amount paid.

How does a mature student get into the Can-College admission process?
The application procedure for mature students is the same as for all other students.

You are required to submit all credentials you have including any current assessment report, and the college admission committee will assess them all. If approved, an offer for admission will be made indicating any conditions. You will have time to meet those requirements if applicable on or before the start date of the program.

Do I need a Mature Student Status Report before the visa application?
The college requires the report before the start of the program. Arranging a report for the study permit depends upon a case to case basis. For example, if you already have a Canadian study or work permit, you will not need to apply for a new visa application and complete the assessment test before the start date of the program. But if you are outside Canada and still need to apply for a student visa, then it is highly recommended to have your status report attached to the visa application. The Mature Student Status Assessment Test can be taken online from anywhere in the world and a report can be obtained accordingly.

Can you go to college/university without any qualifications?
Yes, having a report of Mature Student Status is one of the ways.

What are the advantages of being a mature student?

  • You have a career plan. Mature students often have a clearer idea of what they want to study.
  • You make decisions for yourself
  • There are more flexible entry requirements
  • Studying is an exciting new adventure
  • You can use your life experience in the classroom
  • Employers like mature students
  • You're not alone

The other advantage a mature student has is that, depending on how long it has been since you studied, you may be the same age or older than a large number of the university staff. This parity can make them less intimidating and more useful in terms of getting answers to your questions and what you want out of your classes.

Is 27+ too old for a college education?
You are classified as a mature age student for these purposes if you are moving into tertiary study and are 21+ years old.

Perhaps you think you are “too old” to start university, but it's never too late to study. An increasing number of students aged over 25 are opting for college/university courses because they are unsatisfied with their job or want a new career path.

There is no legal restriction to furthering or upgrading your career-based education at any age or time.

Is a grade D pass or fail?
A letter grade of a "D" is technically considered passing because it not a failure. A "D" is any percentage between 60 and 69%, whereas a failure occurs below 60%.

Q-Do I need to have both requirements met before applying for the student visa?
No these are admission related requirements and are governed under a provincial regulation* related to education mentions bellow. The Immigration ECA has a different purpose and criteria.

The student visa process is governed under a Federal Statute/Legislation “Immigration Refugee Protection Act” and has a different type of ECA required for Immigration Purpose.

Your MSS report may help when you’re looking for a job after graduation.

Q-When to get a Mature Student Status assessment?
The college requires one of the above reports on or before the start date of your program.
It is recommended to arrange these after your admission has been offered or accepted, or as soon as you can.

Q-What if I cannot arrange the reports on the date of the program start?
If due to circumstances beyond your control, you cannot arrange the report, the college may on a written request extend your admission acceptance date to another available session.

Q-Does a student need both an ECA and Mature Student Status?
No, you are required to have only one of them.

Q-Can a student provide a report from a Mature Student Status via qualifying test in lieu of ECA?
Yes, even if you have a master’s degree, or bachelor’s degree or diploma or secondary school certificate which cannot get assessed via the ECA process for any reason, you may still apply for Mature Student Status via the qualifying test and provide a report on or before the commencement of the program, and the college will accept this.

​*Legislative Reference.
“Students enrolled in an approved vocational program at a PCC are required to meet or exceed the admission requirements set out in s. 19 of Regulation 415/06, as well as any other admission requirements identified by the PCC.

Students have an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent1, or
Students are 18 years of age or older and pass a qualifying test that has been approved by the Superintendent.”

Note: Meeting the minimum admission requirements and deadline dates is not a guarantee of admission in some courses. Only the most qualified candidates will be considered.

For any further question on admission requirements please email